Actuarial Analyst (General Insurance) at WTW – Ipswich, England, UK

Job Description

The Business
Corporate Risk and Broking
We know how companies can unlock potential through effective risk management. Our clients rely on us to craft strategies to quantify, mitigate, and transfer risk, taking advantage of our specialist industry experience and unparalleled market know-how. The result is a new way of embracing risk that drives superior results.

The Team
Strategic Risk Consulting
Strategic Risk Consulting (SRC) is a part of the wider Risk & Analytics division within Corporate Risk and Broking, which provides an integrated approach to risk management in the current complex global business environment. SRC is a diverse team, with a global footprint and consists of actuaries, engineers, natural catastrophe modelers and enterprise risk management specialists. SRC helps companies identify, quantify, and prioritize their major risks, and connect risk management choices to corporate financial performance.

The Role

You will be providing high quality consulting and technical services to our corporate clients across the world, collaborating with colleagues across our global hubs. The ideal candidate will be involved in all our core activities as well as R&D, product development, sales and business development.

Core Activities

P&C Pricing And Optimisation

  • Helping clients optimize their insurance strategy by ensuring the price they pay is optimum for the level of risk being transferred
  • Constructing forward looking actuarial loss forecast models for corporations across all geographies and industries
  • Produce strategic recommendations based on model results to help clients manage their risk more effectively

Capital Modelling And Solvency II

  • Provide an impartial view of the profitability and financial strength of captive insurers.
  • Collaboratively contribute to the risk management function of these Captive Insurers and review their Solvency Capital Requirements (SCR) periodically.
  • Assist in developing assumptions and challenging them where required, to ensure a robust risk management framework.
  • Support ongoing compliance with regulations and timely completion of regulatory returns.

P&C Reserving

  • Work collaboratively with fellow colleagues to produce reserving analysis for both our corporate and captive insurance clients
  • Produce client deliverables / reports in a clear, concise and appropriate style.

In Addition To The Core Activities Described Above, The Candidate Will Also Be Expected To Assist With Ad-hoc Projects Which Could Include, But Are Not Limited To

  • Bespoke modelling
  • Development of modelling tools
  • Assisting with client pitches and Request for Proposals (RfPs)
  • Researching prospects and markets


  • Mathematics or related discipline degree level
  • Commitment to pursuing actuarial qualifications under the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)

Desirable Skills

  • The ability to work well in a team and manage deadlines
  • Client acumen
  • Intellectual curiosity to deliver insightful analysis to tight deadlines
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Proficiency in MS Office
  • Proficiency in one of R/R Shiny, Python, Power BI is desirable
  • Experience in using WTW software such as Igloo or ResQ will be beneficial


  • The role is open to recent graduates and candidates with up to 2 years of industry experience.